#RethinkingRoadblocks #BizOps #CareerOps #MGetGoalz

A quirky take on navigating business, career,
and goal-getting obstacles.

Rethink It: Roadblocks can actually be a hidden bonus if you know what to look for. How do you find opportunities in obstacles? 

Welp, not everything has a quick fix through a Google search...

Dealing with tricky career or goals hurdles can be tough. There are so many options and approaches out there, and we both know you don't time to learn or solve it all. That's where I come in to lend a hand... or hammer if the situation warrants, ha!

  • Is it the best newsletter you've read? Probably not. 
  • Will it make you go hmm, haha or hell yaI sure hope so.
Rifts, Reflections and Resources, tackling topics on
navigating business, career and goal-getting obstacles.


#failforward #rethinkit

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas Edison
  • Top 20 - Ways to NOT Get The Job
  • How to make networking harder - Socially Awkward 101
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
  • How to organize and inspire 'leftover' teams
I'm excited to be on this journey - much to do and share. Tell me about your roadblock - we'll ReThink a way through it. 

May this content amplify your awesome.

Cheering you on!
 [ \M/ ]

Melissa Mosher,  /m/ - Your favorite  (semi-retired) gamer nerd, and career executive business manager. On a crazed mission to help others plan, prioritize, and produce their best work. 

Plan. Prioritize. Produce. || Lets Do this! | hello@rethinkingroadblocks.com